Exceptional Leaders are Personally Productive

A survey by the Houston Business Journal revealed that 59% of the respondents want to improve their time management and productivity. Leadership is a demanding endeavor which requires focused sustained energy and personal efficiency. Exceptional leaders know that they must be efficient in their personal work and utilize their time effectively to be successful.


Thought Provoker

  • Do you have a well-designed, system to manage your time?
  • Does this system allow you to work on those important but less urgent matters that will make the difference in your long term success?
  • Do you know the full capabilities of your electronic calendar? Some leaders color code their calendar according to functions, goals or values so that they can see how they are using their time.
  • Do you re-prioritize as needed do you avoid being whipsawed by extraneous external demands or distractions?
  • Do you leverage your time by using others to do things for which they have more expertise so that you can focus on what’s really important?
  • Do you delegate effectively, maximizing capabilities of administrators and direct reports such that you can focus on high priority big picture areas?
  • Do unproductive meetings suck up valuable time?
  • Do you have a dedicated time to work email, or are you at the real time mercy of email such that it is more of a distraction than a communication tool?


Exceptional Leaders are constantly looking for ways to be more personally productive.


Copyright protected by author Bruce M. Anderson.

Reprinted with permission. Thinking Partners Inc.

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