Our commitment to community.


StandUp For Kids is a national non-profit charity founded by a group of volunteers in San Diego, CA in 1990. Its charter is to continuously strive to provide life-saving outreach services to the homeless, street kids and at-risk youth.

This is an organization near and dear to our hearts here at Strategic Search Solutions and it’s a cause we have a great passion for. Starting as a single program in one city, StandUp For Kids has grown into a national organization with operations in 16 states and the District of Columbia while remaining nearly all-volunteer run. Running extremely lean, their operating costs are low so they are able to spend 94% of all donations directly on the youth in the program.

Strategic Search Solutions’ employees volunteer their time weekly at the Stand Up For Kids Oceanside center and provide a hot, homemade meal once a month. We also coordinate with family and friends to gather donations of clothes, shoes, blankets, tents and funds to benefit local kids, teens and young adults in need.

For more information, visit StandUp For Kids Oceanside.

To make a donation through the Network for Good, please visit their website.