The interview process is extremely important as you look for top candidates. Technology continues to change the techniques we use to hire. These days, companies should consider video interviews which are becoming more and more prevalent in the business world. YouTube, Facebook and Skype are just a few examples of ways to hold a video… Read More »
Posts Tagged: The Generations That Make Up Today’s Workforce
Talent Mobility And Career Management Strategies Are Necessary To Compete
Many companies of today have a high turnover rate. There are a lot of reasons that employees choose to not stick with companies like they once did. This trend costs businesses a lot of time and money. Why is it Beneficial to Keep the Same Employees? There are many reasons that it is beneficial… Read More »
How To Develop Soft Skills
In our disconnected culture, it is no wonder that people have a hard time with soft skills. We are accustomed to quick texts and short emails. Those types of interactions do not lend themselves to soft skills. In general, we just want information and we want it now. No time to do small talk or… Read More »
IQ vs EQ
Have you ever hired a person who had a rocking resume? Their education level and performance was off the charts, but you brought them into the job and they did not do as you hoped. Just because an individual is book smart, does not mean they will do a good job in your business. What… Read More »
Talent Versus Engagement
Having a satisfying work experience is important to the growth of your business. When an employee loves what they do and feels challenged by their job, they will perform with more enthusiasm. While talent can be an important criteria in a successful company, having employees that are excited to work for the company can be… Read More »
The Demographic Shift, Part I
Over the last several years, employers have seen unprecedented changes in their workforces. Baby boomers are gearing up for retirement, and millennials are entering the workforce to take over their positions. Many companies are bringing in younger workers early, in order to make the transition easier and reduce future staffing gaps. Multigenerational teams can be… Read More »