The more you know about what you’re doing, the easier it will be to accomplish. This may seem self-explanatory, but many people don’t realize that you can always find out more information. It only takes a few minutes to look up something on the internet, consult a reference book, or call up someone you know… Read More »
Posts Tagged: Enterprise Software Sales Professionals
How To Develop Soft Skills
In our disconnected culture, it is no wonder that people have a hard time with soft skills. We are accustomed to quick texts and short emails. Those types of interactions do not lend themselves to soft skills. In general, we just want information and we want it now. No time to do small talk or… Read More »
Leaders Will Invest In Talent
Talent analytics or Human resources analytics is a hot topic right now for companies. Businesses are using this data to meet the need within the company. It is predicted that in 2015 and 2016, the collecting and using of data will continue to grow. What is Talent Analytics? Talent analytics uses data that is collected… Read More »
The Importance of Soft Skills in the Workplace
There are a great number of people entering the workforce that lack soft skills. These necessary skills are lacking in many people that are just graduating college and taking on professional jobs. Why is this a problem and what can we as employers do about it? What Are The Soft Skills That Employees Lack? Soft… Read More »
No Negative You
When you think about it, it’s obvious: negative is the opposite of positive, so in order to instill a positive mindset, you need to get rid of negative thoughts. Sounds simple enough, right? The process is an easy one, but it takes practice to make it stick. The first step in clearing negativity from your… Read More »
Exceptional Leaders See People As People
This might sound strange, but sometimes we don’t see people as people. The most personal and ever-present example is when we are stressed in traffic. Do you, like most of us, objectify other drivers, not really seeing them as people, as human beings like you, who are just trying to get through this world as… Read More »
Developing Millennial Leaders
Many companies have placed their focus on leadership, but at the same time, a lack of leadership continues to be a major challenge. If businesses are focusing on this issue, what is the problem? Short Sighted When it Comes to Building Leadership One of the biggest problems that we see with training leaders, is the… Read More »
How Social Media Is Impacting The Hiring Process
There is no doubt that the social media movement has greatly changed the way businesses run. This hits every aspect of a company, including the hiring process. Here is a look at how this type of engagement is shaping the way we hire new recruits. What Does it Mean For Your Want Ads? With social… Read More »
Good Service vs Great Service
What is the difference between a company that provides good service and one that provides great service? If you had to narrow it down to one characteristic, it would be communication. Companies that provide great service clearly communicate what a customer or potential customer should expect when they do business with that company. They leave… Read More »
Exceptional Leaders Focus On Metrics
Measurement is the language of business. Exceptional Leaders know that progress toward success needs to be measured quantitatively. A good analogy is the Global Positioning System (GPS). It can tell you where you have been, where you are now on a real time basis, and you can measure progress to a goal, all through numeric… Read More »